How to create your dream home office space

The outbreak of Covid has blurred the lines between work and home life. With more people working from home than ever before, we look at how to get the best from your home office space.

Separate office space

It is great to compartmentalise your space, whether you have a separate room, or can make your space look and feel different from the rest of your home.

How to achieve it: A growing trend is to refresh your space regularly using adhesive wallpaper, allowing you to experiment with different colours and textures, frequently changing your space so you never get bored with it.

Create a calming environment

It is important to get the colour palette right for your office, with neutral muted tones and greens perfect for bringing a sense of calm to your working environment.

How to achieve it: Avoid harsher colours, as they may become distracting, or make a small room feel smaller.

Biophilic design

A popular trend at the moment is biophilic design, which sounds complicated and unachievable, but is basically the concept of bringing the outdoors indoors, to make you feel closer to nature. Being connected to the natural environment not only brings a sense of calm, but is also great for your mental health.

How to achieve it: Through the colour palette you choose, or by introducing plants, to bring life into your space.

Get organised

Set your space up so you can concentrate and are ready to work. Making it clutter-free is a great place to start.

How to achieve it: Organise yourself with plenty of storage solutions, use desk storage, filing cabinets and folders to keep your office supplies and paperwork in check.

Get your room ready for zoom

With video calls now the norm, your home has automatically been placed centre stage. Make sure you think about what is in view and remove anything you don’t want on display, before you switch the camera on. Whether it’s the laundry hanging up, or clutter that may make you look and feel unprofessional.

Your room is a reflection on you, so it can be nice to have a focal point in the background, whether it’s books, floating shelves, a memento from your travels, or artwork to show off your style.

How to achieve it: Whatever decor and accessories you decide on, a minimalist background can come across as more professional and less distracting, allowing your audience to focus on you and what you are saying.

Get the right set up

Once you are comfortable with the look and feel of your office space, you need to make sure you are comfortable too.

How to achieve it: Having your computer, chair and desk at the right height is really important, as is getting the lighting right to avoid glare on your screen.

By following the tips above, you can have fun creating a practical and comfortable home office space. Stay tuned for more home inspiration, coming to our blog soon!