How to turn your home into a smart home

Whether you are looking for ways to keep safe, save energy, make life easier, or improve your well-being – smart home technology can help! But with more functionality than regular devices, it can be hard to keep up with what’s available, or know where to start, when you want to establish a smart home. So here are some smart ways you can future proof your home.

Keep safe

One of the best places to start is by looking at security, as there is a growing trend of fitting smart security devices to make your home secure, whether you are at home, or away.

Home security cameras and video doorbells are a great way of deterring theft and damage to your property. By linking smart devices to your smartphone, you can keep an eye on your house, when you are away – or use indoor monitors to keep an eye on your pets, or as a baby monitor. Making you feel much safer inside, or outside, of your home.

Smart plugs can be a lifesaver when you’ve forgotten to turn something off – as they can be switched off remotely. You won’t need to worry about leaving the iron, or your hair straighteners, on again. They’re great for peace of mind and preventing potential fires.

You may not have thought about fitting smart smoke alarms, as it’s taken for granted that you’ll hear your smoke alarm in the event of a fire. But smart smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors will send an alert to your smartphone, so if no one is at home you can still call for help and protect others from danger.

Save energy

Many people are switching to smart thermostats, as they help you save money by managing your energy consumption and making your house more energy efficient. The device will select the optimum temperature in line with your usual patterns and the changing weather – making these one of the most talked about smart devices on the market.

You can also save energy by fitting smart blinds with built-in sensors that adapt to changes in lighting, to prevent heat gain in the summer, or heat loss in the winter.

The options for smart household appliances are endless, packed with lots of features to run more efficiently and reduce waste:

Smart washing machines can cut down on waste, by weighing the load and adding the right amount of detergent.

Smart dishwashers and smart toilets make sure the right amount of water is used.

Smart irrigation systems can be programmed to come on at set times and keep track of rain and soil conditions, so your garden is watered properly, reducing water consumption and saving you money.

Make relaxation possible

As we head into the colder autumn and winter months, we look at simple ways smart technology can help you create a cosy home cinema, for the perfect night in.

  • Set up a Virtual Assistant so you can sync your smart devices. For many people, their Virtual Assistant has become like another member of the family and they would be lost without them! They are also great for people with mobility issues, as the functions can be voice activated.
  • Upgrade to a smart TV so you can stream the latest films.
  • Install smart lighting, making it much easier to create the right ambience, with voice responsive dimmable or colour changing lights.
  • Add soundbars to create an immersive surround sound cinema experience. Smart audio devices can even be programmed by room, making it possible to listen to different things in different rooms.

You could also upgrade to a smart sauna with remote temperature control, so it’s the perfect temperature when you step in, or a smart swimming pool that carries out maintenance automatically, so you have more time to look after your own well-being. 

Time saving

One of the ways to help make time for the things that matter, is by investing in a Robot Vacuum Cleaner. So whilst it takes care of the hoovering, you can enjoy taking time out.

Smart shelves weigh your food and will reorder it when you are running low, so you don’t have to make a trip to the shops.

A smart coffee machine will make sure you get woken up to fresh coffee and you get your regular caffeine fix throughout the day. You can even programme it to have one ready for you when you get home.

For a quick environmentally friendly solution, a smart bin can automatically sort your recycling into different compartments for you.

We hope this blog gives you lots of smart ways to improve your home. Keep an eye on our latest blogs for more inspiration.